Friday, May 9, 2008


Hey everyone!

First of all, I wanted to announce that Forks and Fangs is now officially on itunes! You can most easily find it by searching "Forks and Fangs" or pretty much any other word related to Twilight.

Also, I wanted to let you know some things about the website.

From now on, I will only be posting show notes in the blogs that are about new episodes.
I changed the content of our first blog to only include the show notes. Therefore, I am moving important info from that blog to this one.

To listen to our podcasts online, click on the title of the post. You can download each episode by subscribing to it on itunes (that is the easiest way in my opinion). You can also subscribe through the RSS feed on this website (orange button on the right side of the page). Finally, you can also sign up for e-mail updates when we post new episodes by entering your e-mail address on the right side of the page as well.

We hope you'll tune in to our first episode and enjoy! Please leave comments about how you like the show and what you want to hear us talk about in upcoming episodes. You can also e-mail us your thoughts, comments, questions, concerns, hopes, dreams, aspirations, and expectations at Please tell all of your friends and family who love Twilight to download and subscribe to the show! If they don't read Twilight, get them started on the series and then reccomend the Forks and Fangs podcast to them! Thanks!

Always your host,

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